Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Day two of manifesting my future

My "Big Dream" has been to be a writer.  Published, read by many, loved by most, making lots of big fat dollars and having fun doing it.  My sister and brother-in-law have nipped at my heels to do this for years.

But those damn doubts always crept into my brain, "Why me, God?"  Now I'm saying, "Why NOT me!" During my meditations I have asked BF to use me, put me where I'm supposed to be. I've started this blog!  That's writing, isn't it?  I'm writing for the Universe who will eventually stumble across this.  Lots of them are sixty five too.

I figured my blog would be all the writing I would be doing for the foreseeable future.  Then, last night, my thirty three year old daughter, Maureen (aka Mo), called me.  She and I gabbed about this 'n that.  She told me she and her husband, Stephen, had watched the movie 20th Century Woman.  Something about a single mother rearing a child through the 50's and 60's.  Following the movie Mo and Stephen had a discussion about how they don't know their parents.  They know their mother.  They know their father.  However they don't know them as humanoids outside of their roles as mom and dad.

She then asked me to---Drum Roll Please---WRITE!  Yup, I asked the BF (Benevolent Force, my word for God) to use me.  I asked BF to put me where I'm meant to be.  And BF responded by giving me this blog, followed by giving me a request to write even more.

Possibly that little whisper inside my head, the one quietly repeating, "please please please write....",
KNEW what my path was to be.  I simply had to get outta' my own way.  Now I have.

Later today I'll write my first few pages for Maureen.

But first a shower and an Al-Anon meeting.  More on that in future posts.  If BF so directs.  :)

All of you out there, have a great day!  Dream big and believe.  The Universe will give you all you want if you have faith.

1 comment:

  1. love your blog Alice. I miss you. I started my blog for this exact reason. So my children will know me as a human being, not just their mom. I actually have editors who found it online and are helping me put it into book form. So that CAN happen!
